Welcome, one and all!

Welcome to a site for my musings and meanderings about the gardening work I do, which currently consists of trying to renovate my Dad's garden after years of neglect.. I will be updating this little niche of the internet as and when I have anything interesting to pass on, so I hope you'll find something here to amuse or entertain you.

Please feel free to comment on anything you wish to, Follow Me if you want, or ask me if I wish to Follow You (Quid Pro Quo, as the saying goes).

Enjoy your visit!

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Well, I treated the lawns yesterday - put down something to kill off the moss, rejuvenate the grass and remove any weeds in the lawns. Let's hope it works as advertised. I'll write up a review when the effectiveness becomes clearer.

In the meantime, it's weeding time! Removing grass from the borders - there's a lot of it, and there are areas where I'll just be digging up everything in the ground - there's no flowers to preserve, so everything must go!

Anyway, I'll keep this blog informed of my progress.

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