Welcome, one and all!

Welcome to a site for my musings and meanderings about the gardening work I do, which currently consists of trying to renovate my Dad's garden after years of neglect.. I will be updating this little niche of the internet as and when I have anything interesting to pass on, so I hope you'll find something here to amuse or entertain you.

Please feel free to comment on anything you wish to, Follow Me if you want, or ask me if I wish to Follow You (Quid Pro Quo, as the saying goes).

Enjoy your visit!

Saturday, 12 February 2011

More garden work

I've filled our green waste bin AGAIN with the amount of moss I'm raking up off our lawn! Plus there's a ton of goose grass and bramble that I need to keep on top of.

This gardening lark's non-stop, isn't it? Apart from wintertime, and maybe no even then! In my case, Mum used to handle the gardening - she loved to get her fingers dirty out there - until she couldn't manage it anymore due to ill-health. Neither Dad nor me stepped in at the time, and now there's years of neglect to put right - this is going to take a LONG time, I can already see that ...

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