Welcome, one and all!

Welcome to a site for my musings and meanderings about the gardening work I do, which currently consists of trying to renovate my Dad's garden after years of neglect.. I will be updating this little niche of the internet as and when I have anything interesting to pass on, so I hope you'll find something here to amuse or entertain you.

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Enjoy your visit!

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Garden work - ongoing

Well, I've spent some time today getting the front lawn raked. There's so much moss there that I've nearly filled the green garden waste bin. The lawn's going to look a mess when I've finished getting it up off the lawn. I've started looking at what grass seed to use to reseed the bare patches when I'm done.

Then the whole thing needs flattening with a good roller, and the beds need work too. I haven't a clue what's actually growing there - I don't know whether to just let it all grow and see what comes up, or clear the whole lot and replant. I'm contemplating the options ....

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