Welcome, one and all!

Welcome to a site for my musings and meanderings about the gardening work I do, which currently consists of trying to renovate my Dad's garden after years of neglect.. I will be updating this little niche of the internet as and when I have anything interesting to pass on, so I hope you'll find something here to amuse or entertain you.

Please feel free to comment on anything you wish to, Follow Me if you want, or ask me if I wish to Follow You (Quid Pro Quo, as the saying goes).

Enjoy your visit!

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Review - Yeoman Rolling Lawn Aerator

I purchased the Yeoman Rolling Lawn Aerator a couple of weeks ago, and have used it on our lawns since then. I feel it's time for me to write a review of the product. So here goes :

The Yeoman Rolling Lawn Aerator (£29-95) is a device for breaking up the surface of your lawn to allow air in, allowing deeper, stronger root growth and better, greener grass by breaking up any soil compaction. It comes in a self-assembly kit which took me about fifteen minutes to successfully complete. The end product is a wheeled roller which has six free-hanging metal bars, each set with metal spikes which, when the roller is moved over the lawn surface, dig into the ground to a depth of about two centimetres (just under one inch). As the roller turns, each bar in turn hangs down to be driven into the ground. The device has two wheels and a straight handle similar to a hoe or broom.

The Aerator can be a little fiddly to assemble, especially when fitting the six metal spike-bearing bars to the central hub - this was the part that took the longest time for me. Also, given that it IS self-assembly, the construction isn't the most solid.

However, once the Aerator is put together, as long as you don't abuse it, it should be sturdy enough for everyday usage. It is easy to use - it only took me a few minutes to repeatedly roll our front lawn leaving plenty of small holes to break up the surface - and a nice, reliable piece of equipment for the garden. As a result, I give it


Monday, 21 February 2011

Still waiting on the effectiveness of the moss-killer/grass-greener I put down last weekend. Hopefully I should see results by this weekend coming - at least, the box says the moss should have died off and become brown by then. Can't see much difference yet, but give it time ...

In the meantime there's the goose grass and brambles to deal with. Last year I cur down a tree that was nearly dead and rather diseased, but now the ground where it was is infested. I have some neat glyphosate in a container, which I'll make up to a strong solution, in the hope that it'll be powerful enough to get rid of the weeds, after which I may cover the ground with wood chippings, to reduce the risk of re-infestation.

We'll see how it goes, if the weather holds up.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Well, I treated the lawns yesterday - put down something to kill off the moss, rejuvenate the grass and remove any weeds in the lawns. Let's hope it works as advertised. I'll write up a review when the effectiveness becomes clearer.

In the meantime, it's weeding time! Removing grass from the borders - there's a lot of it, and there are areas where I'll just be digging up everything in the ground - there's no flowers to preserve, so everything must go!

Anyway, I'll keep this blog informed of my progress.

Saturday, 12 February 2011

More garden work

I've filled our green waste bin AGAIN with the amount of moss I'm raking up off our lawn! Plus there's a ton of goose grass and bramble that I need to keep on top of.

This gardening lark's non-stop, isn't it? Apart from wintertime, and maybe no even then! In my case, Mum used to handle the gardening - she loved to get her fingers dirty out there - until she couldn't manage it anymore due to ill-health. Neither Dad nor me stepped in at the time, and now there's years of neglect to put right - this is going to take a LONG time, I can already see that ...

Friday, 4 February 2011

Got a bit further with my raking off the moss on the front lawn - I guess ten years of nothing being done to it will take a while to right ....

Anyway, the worst has now been cleared, and I've gone over it with an aerator roller, hopefully that'll help with drainage and stop the moss coming back. I've still got the back lawns to rake, but I can't see as much there - maybe there's more sunlight on the back lawns, or better drainage to the ground. Anyway, there's cuttings from last year to cut up and bin, so that's my task tomorrow.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Garden work - ongoing

Well, I've spent some time today getting the front lawn raked. There's so much moss there that I've nearly filled the green garden waste bin. The lawn's going to look a mess when I've finished getting it up off the lawn. I've started looking at what grass seed to use to reseed the bare patches when I'm done.

Then the whole thing needs flattening with a good roller, and the beds need work too. I haven't a clue what's actually growing there - I don't know whether to just let it all grow and see what comes up, or clear the whole lot and replant. I'm contemplating the options ....

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Back again!

Since I have this squeaky clean blog here, I might as well use it, right?

So, I've started doing some tidying up in our garden - I know it's early, but things are still growing! The lawns are going to need plenty of work - there's moss in them, and weeds, and the lawn hasn't been aerated for years, nor any kind of fertiliser added. I'm going to have to draw up a long list of things to do this year to get it back into shape.

As for the borders, I have no idea what's there! I don't know whether to let it all grow out and see what shows up, or just clear them all and replant ....