Welcome, one and all!

Welcome to a site for my musings and meanderings about the gardening work I do, which currently consists of trying to renovate my Dad's garden after years of neglect.. I will be updating this little niche of the internet as and when I have anything interesting to pass on, so I hope you'll find something here to amuse or entertain you.

Please feel free to comment on anything you wish to, Follow Me if you want, or ask me if I wish to Follow You (Quid Pro Quo, as the saying goes).

Enjoy your visit!

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Patch Magic by MiracleGro

Yes, my second product review!

Okay, my product for today is Patch Magic, made by MiracleGro.

I've been putting it on our garden to cover the patches which became evident when I raked the grass to remove the moss which had been building up over the years. Some patches were small, some were large - all needed filling in. So one of the products I tried was the above-pictured Patch Magic, manufactured by MiracleGro. How did it work?

Well, the first, quite large patch, came up in about a week. The second set of patches also started showing in a week or so - a few of them, in the shade, didn't do so well, but still showed grass coming up in places. I've had to water it pretty much every day, but that's because we're having hot, sunny weather - when we had some cloud around,. I could leave it an extra day.

The grass looks green and healthy, and the coir which makes up the bedding material certainly holds water well. I may need some more to fill in thin areas, and redo the edges of some of the patches, but all in all, it's worked well.

So my rating for Patch Magic? I'll give it


I've yet to try it down the bottom of the garden, where it's in constant shade. If it does well there, I'll up the rating. Still, it's pretty good stuff - I'm happy with it.

Thursday 14 April 2011

More lawn management

Yes, I've been at the lawns again.

I tried seeding them a couple of weeks ago, but no luck, so I did it again today. Raked the ground to break up the surface. Seeded it, then watered it in. Hopefully it'll take this time. If it doesn't. I'm going to give up and let Nature take its course.

I've still got to clear up the cuttings from last year - I'll try to get them in the green bin for next week ...

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Still working on the lawn

Well, the last attempt at reseeding the lawn didn't work - there's no sign of anything coming up. I'm trying some different seed - which says I need to rake the lawn hard enough to break up the surface! I didn't do that last time - maybe that's the problem? Anyway, we'll see if this works better.

Time to pull some more goose grass, too - keep on top of it, that way it's less of a problem later (I hope!).

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Replanting the lawn

I've finally gotten started on reseeding the front lawn. Fortunately it's just started raining, so hopefully the new seed will get enough moisture to get a good start at growing. I followed the instructions on the packet, so in a few weeks we'll see if the seed has taken. Supposedly it'll only take a couple of weeks for the grass to start sprouting.

I'll take a few photos soon, so you can see the 'before' and 'after' shots.

Also, a product review or two should be winging its way here soon.

The weedkiller I put down to kill the non-grass plants before reseeding didn't kill all it should have - maybe I needed to soak them more. I'll try again when the weather's dry.

Saturday 19 March 2011

Clearing up

Well, the garden looks a bit cleaner now - I got rid of all the old dustbins, plastic pots and containers and other rubbish which had accumulated next to the garage. Took them all down the dump, so the plants growing underneath can now get some sunlight.

Plus, more grass off the flower beds - there's still  plenty there, but it's starting to look a bit better  -the daffodils in particular are standing out more now they haven't got the competition.

Sunday 13 March 2011

Some spraying done

Well, I did some pesticide spraying yesterday - looks like I did it just in time, it's starting to rain. I need to try to get rid of the goose grass and brambles. The latter's not too bad right now - I hit it pretty hard last year, and it's not yet recovered, so if I keep on top of it, I might be able to stop it coming back. The goose grass, however, is going to need constant work - that stuff is pernicious as heck.

Still, the daffodils are out, and a few other flowers are starting to push through. I'm still removing grass from the flowerbeds, and there's a pile of cut branches need disposing of, but they're not a priority right now.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Still raking moss

Now much of an ad here, I have to say. I've been over the lawns again, raking up the dead moss I missed last time, or that has died since then. There's less and less coming up, so hopefully I'll get it all soon, and I can start getting ready to reseed.

Anyway, I will as usual update the next time I do something, so keep 'em peeled!